"What I Wish Someone Had Told Me In Medical School About Nutrition" [YouTube Video]

Presenter: Dr. Michael Klaper

Key take-away points:
  • Eat food that is whole and not processed.
  • Chew food to a cream to allow for easier digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Assure mineral availability by doing the following:
    • Soak legumes/nuts overnight before cooking
    • Sprout beans, grains, nuts, and seeds
    • Cook soups and stews to liberate minerals into the broth
  • Increase nutritional absorption of nutrients in your body by cooking wisely 
    • Iron -- Added Vitamin C, for example: squeeze a lemon over your salad, add mandarin orange slices to the salad. (For growing children, pregnancy, anemias, etc.)
    • Zinc -- Saute vegetables with onion and garlic. 
    • Magnesium - After cutting dark, leafy greens, let them sit on the cutting board for 5-10 minutes to allow phytonutrients to develop. Do this before cooking them.
  • Assure mineral availability by doing the following:
  • Include Iodine in your diet to cover thyroid needs.
    • Add a pinch (not too much!) of iodized salt to sprinkle over ready-to-eat food.
    • Japanese seaweeds, which can be added onto soups:
      • Arame: 1 T 2-3x/week
      • Wakame (Alaria): 1 T 2-3x/week
      • Dulse: 1 tsp 2-3x/week
      • Kelp: be cautious and sprinkle little bits only; do NOT use Hijiki (arsenic)!
  • Include the following daily vitamins: Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Iodine.

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